Annual General Meetings

You are warmly invited to attend our 8th AGM, which is open to everyone!  Do come along to hear what we’ve been doing for the past year, have a chat with our volunteers and enjoy some light refreshments. 

It’s being held in the Woodhouse Eaves Village Hall and starts at 7.30pm.

Financial reports for the five months ending 31 December 2023 and for the year ending 31 December 2024 will be presented.  This is on account of the year end change from 31 July to 31 December.  Charts and statistics showing the number of jobs and the number of hours will also be presented, together with an annual report.


Year 7 Review

Thank you to everyone who attended our Year 7 AGM on Monday 2nd October 2023. 

We have had another great year, with job numbers comparable to last year. 

We’ve seen a gradual increase in driving jobs, mainly due to face-to-face medical appointments being offered more regularly this year, compared to last.  It’s great to see that our new wheelchair loan service has been popular with 39 loans over the year.  

Click on the links below to read our various reports: